in the meantime

i'm in the process of uploading photos from the weekend but i'm having some technical difficulties, so i thought i'd post some of my highlights from the weekend to give you an idea of what's to come. 

in no particular order...

  • hearing Bill Mumy play guitar and sing on Saturday night.  I’ve actually been listening to his album in the car ever since, he’s awesome!
  • meeting Torri Higginson – something about her energy and her humor, I felt like I’d known her for years…  must be a Canadian thing. 
  • checking out the Dr. Seuss museum in downtown Springfield
  • going to a semi-private yoga class – I guess not many people do yoga in Springfield
  • signing more autographs than I think I’ve ever signed in one sitting.  It must have been at least one per minute and I tried to meet and greet every person.  Whew!
  • accidentally getting my buffet dinner before everyone else and realizing that no one said anything because I’m supposedly special
  • getting embarrassed when someone asked me if Aaron’s spine glowed
  • someone telling me that her husband was going to be so excited because he’s such a huge Dr. Who fan
  • talking about the physics of human emotion with the people at my breakfast table
  • dancing to 80’s music with everyone dressed in medieval garbPb030727_2

and most of all…

  • meeting all the delightful fans.  thanks for being so kind and laughing at all my jokes!

please let me know if i missed anything or if you have anything to add :-)

and thanks to corey for this funny photo of me dancing: