Happiness in the New Year

"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

On some level, I find New Year's resolutions, and even some celebrations, to be somewhat irrelevant.  I think introspection, reflection and evaluation are practices that ought to be part of daily living.  However, there is symbolic value to starting the year anew, with a renewed vitality and outlook.  The trick is to not give up when you hit bumps in the road.  Don't wait until next year to get back on your workout program, to reconnect with old friends, to eat less, love more, whatever it may be.  I think being realistic is the best thing you can do for yourself when looking to "resolve" old habits that no longer serve you.  I mean, we created them for a reason, as illogical as they may seem.  In keeping with that gesture, my one New Year's resolution is to be kinder - to myself and to others; to allow myself to fail, to make mistakes, to not know the answer, to forget things, to be human, but most importantly, a joyful human.

I don't know what you're looking for in your life, but I hope you find joy and happiness as much in the search as the destination.

Okay that's enough pontificating.  I had an awesome holiday and here are some of the highlights:

  • surprising my mom on Christmas eve - she had no idea i was coming home.  in fact, she was probably in the middle of telling the neighbors how "okay" she was with my not coming home for christmas, when i burst in and surprised her.  she could barely speak.  it was awesome.
  • going boxing day shopping with my bro and him finding me a super warm winter coat sans duck feathers for half price.  thanks addie!
  • hot yoga every day...  beautiful space, inspiring teachers, and challenging classes.  i highly recommend yyoga. namaste.
  • having deep, philosophical conversations with my dad and learning more and more how alike we are.
  • seeing my old best friend from high school and picking up just where we left off.
  • discovering Vancouver's newest raw food cafe and creation factory "Organic Lives." Keep up the awesomeness Preet!
  • having a girls night with raw treats and chai, post yoga and infrared sauna.  seriously, my girlfriends are intense and i love them for it.  next year i'm anticipating doing yoga inside the infrared sauna while conference calling new york making business deals and changing the world.

hope you had a wonderful holiday too and c0ntinue to celebrate life in the new year!!!